Satan thinks LaVey wrote a rape ritual

Lucifer prefers to call a spade a spade and avoids all sorts of “fancy” language. The Angel of Enlightenment thinks that exorbitantly whimsical wordings or effervescent expressions obscure intent, regardless of the verbal dexterity of the author. Satan considers it lingual masturbation that renders everyone else unsatisfied. He would allow none of His demons such self-inflated literary smugness and considers it proof that their thesauri are larger than their wits. But enough about the writings of Peter Gilmore—Satan appreciates that in The Satanic Bible, Anton LaVey uses simple words when he calls a “love charm” or a “love spell” for what they are: an attempt to get sex.

LaVey explains that the purpose of the sex ritual that he introduces in The Satanic Bible is to “create desire on the part of the person whom you desire.” All of Satan’s followers will please remember that, according to LaVey, magic is used when normal methods would fail, because the situation would be unchangeable using normal methods, and one applies magic only when conventional methods fail because otherwise, one would use conventional methods. In the case of sex rituals, it means that you could not possibly make the person desire you, even with the best tricks in the pick-up artist’s book. Satan thinks you are truly that undesirable if you must resort to a sex ritual.

Hence, the purpose of a sex ritual is to create the sexual consent that you have never received: that you may have sex with a person despite being denied the mating signal that Satan requires for any sexual advances per Satanic Rule of the Earth number five. This may have seemed reasonable in the 1960es of Anton LaVey when the absence of affirmative consent was yet to be understood as a sexual violation, but today it is indicative of a sexually predatory mindset.

Satan will hear no such excuse that having created the desire through magic, it became a genuine desire. Such an argument is true for sexual grooming as well, and for con jobs in general; the victim may have handed over his money willingly to the con artist but is nonetheless a victim. The mindset is no less dangerous in the modernized perception among His current churchgoers, where ostensibly a ritual now serves to modify one’s own mind, because it instills in the mind of the practitioner the delusion that the quarry has provided consent and thereby the mating call that justifies transgressive action. Unlike magic which does not exist, self-suggestion is real and can have consequences.

Returning to the topic of plain speech, Satan appreciates that LaVey did not hide the intent of the “sex ritual” behind a veil of love, but He thinks it is high time to call the ritual for what it is: it is a rape ritual, the purpose of which is to force consent where none was given.