Satan thinks His followers remain Christian

Anton LaVey wrote in The Satanic Bible that Satanism is the only religion that recognizes man as he is, with no requirements that he better himself, only that he pursue his indulgences without shame (or “guilt,” as LaVey generally uses as a synonym). As a Satanist, one must no longer prove oneself worthy of salvation or fear damnation for being a sinner. No god can reward you when you die.

Satan likes the attitude but thinks LaVey forgot his audience. The majority of his readers were brought up with a mindset urging them to “better” themselves according to Christian regulations, such as feeling shame when they masturbated or feeling obligated to express love for people far outside their social circles. True, it is only a scant minority of Christians who really delude themselves into thinking they love their enemies—-most Christians in the world interpret the Christian tenet of loving one’s enemies to mean respecting others and generally trying not to be too much of a dick—but The Prince of Darkness finds that many who seek His kingdom were this particularly brainwashed kind. With a mindset bent on bettering oneself only because God mandates it, it is predictable what happens when God is removed from the equation: all work on personal improvement ceases in this nihilist, godless world.

This starkly contrasts healthy people with natural drives compelled toward self-actualization, a continuing phase in Abraham Maslow’s famous hierarchy of needs. One naturally works toward reaching one’s potential, continuously seeking to repair what is broken, improve what is already good, and remove obstacles within oneself. Such individuals will naturally seek to identify and eliminate the harmful influence of Christianity within themselves to move beyond its stifling grip.

Anton LaVey’s Satanism is part of the Human Potential Movement of the 1950s and 1960s that cast humans as fundamentally “good” creatures whose nature has been perverted by society, turning mankind into an inferior and destructive version of itself. The human animal was thought to have a potential waiting to be unleashed if it could somehow return to its true self and cast off the shackles imposed by a society that works against the best interest of its own species. When Satan represents man as the human animal he is, it is this healthy animal, not an animal broken by a toxic society and put on a leash with religion. As obvious as it hopefully sounds, Satan does not represent man as he is if that man is a Christian, whether by culture or by faith.

Satan thinks The Satanic Bible‘s reassurance that people are good enough is a free pass to avoid confronting one’s most meticulously inculcated values and discourses. If one was raised as a Christian early on or otherwise fell into the cauldron of Christianity as a child, its teachings are thoroughly instilled in one’s mind and virtually impossible to ignore. Confronted with disagreements, stressful situations, or conflicts that involve core values, people generally sink to their levels rather than rise to the occasion. Most “open-minded” individuals raised to believe that unfaithfulness, unforgiveness, or selfishness are bad behavior will be shocked and react emotionally when they become the target of such behavior; many intercultural marriages have suffered conflicts caused by ingrained cultural values that the couple thought they had transcended. A former Christian will consider the offender a bad person for not exhibiting Christian behavior.

These people are, at the bottom of their hearts and minds, the Christians they were raised. Upon reading The Satanic Bible, such people arrogantly declare that because they were always Satanists (even if they were once the proselytizing, argumentative, Bible-thumping kind of Christians), they neither changed upon converting to Satanism nor through being Satanists because they presume that no change was needed. Satan thinks that they generally have not changed one iota, indeed: if they were once Christians and have done nothing to change, that is what they remain. Like salmon, they return to the spot whence they were spawned.

Satan demands that His followers make an honest effort to escape their indoctrination. They are sorely mistaken if they believe themselves free of religious persuasions and to have managed to escape their past impressions. Even dyed-in-the-wool atheists receive the mark of their societies, some of which will be Christian branding. The educational challenge is to learn about human psychology, sociology, cultural specifics, history, and how religions function and evolve (not according to self-help books or popular psychology, politically biased commentators, or religious or counter-religious interest groups but on terms congruent with science) and to self-reflect and compare it all with how they have shaped oneself, and how oneself acts and responds.

This implies a complete rejection of most of Anton LaVey’s beliefs about the human animal and the entire array of pseudoscience he relied on. It requires the Devil’s followers to identify which social and behavioral traits arise from your biological imperatives or are programmed by society and which of society’s programming is religious or secular, with religion often taking credit for the latter. It necessitates constant meditation on personal motivation, reactions, and morals. Satan thinks that none of His followers deserve His magnificent name until they have put in years of hard and dedicated work on understanding human nature and how their own life agrees with Nature and on remedying what deviates.

Anyone can delude themselves into thinking that they have sufficiently perfected themselves, with only others to blame for their failings in life, and now all that remains is to convince others. Satan thinks it takes no small amount of self-confidence and self-esteem to admit to oneself that one is never released from ongoing self-improvement—but when someone possesses these qualities, the Will to develop usually comes naturally.

It is impossible to be a “perfect” Satanist in any current human society. However, Satan thinks that his followers may come a long way by revering Him as an infernal sage whom one may never become but should always seek to emulate. As the undisputed Ruler of the Earth, Satan permits entry to Hell only to those of His followers who make an honest effort to escape their former religion.

Satan thinks His churchgoers go through five phases

Anton LaVey once said that newly-converted Satanists tend to go through a “first phase” where they feel compelled to tell everyone of their new-found faith, often arguing against Christians using LaVey’s straw men and unschooled reasoning that he provided in The Satanic Bible. Most of Satan’s churchgoers eventually leave this phase when the novelty value wears off, but a considerable number remain stuck in phase one.

LaVey never mentioned any subsequent phases, so no Church of Satan member ever considered whether further progression might occur beyond phase one. Satan thinks these churchgoers proceed through five phases, however, one for each point on the Pentagram.

Phase One is indeed the initial, unbearable behavior of a neophyte where everyone, including anyone past this phase, wishes they would just pipe down. Only fellow Phase One churchgoers can stand them, although most other churchgoers react indulgently as they remember their own Phase One period. As a rule of thumb, the more fervently a person believed in his or her former religion, the more aggressively the Phase One person now behaves, and the longer Phase One lasts. Phase One is characterized by a need to establish one’s new identity by dismantling one’s past identity.

Phase Two is very similar to Phase One, and while many virtually skip this phase altogether, it is, like Phase One, also a phase in which one may get stuck. Phase Two is characterized by the same proselytizing and zealous attitude as Phase One, and Phase Two individuals often increase their combativeness. The main difference is to whom their hostility is directed. Phase Two churchgoers consider it their chief duty to deny all other kinds of Satanism and often actively seek to harm any Satanist who disagrees with The Church of Satan, to the extent of occasionally involving fundamentalist Christians as bedfellows.

Their general proselytization of Phase One now takes on an evangelical “one true way” form where they denounce any other path as that of the Devil, as it were, and Satan thinks that other Satanists are what keeps them active. Phase Two is characterized by low self-esteem where, although having torn down one’s past identity and having constructed the framework of a new one, this identity is very fragile and cannot cope with competition. Satan thinks that those who remain in Phase Two are those whose self-esteem is naturally low and who are easily intimidated but compensate with the vileness of the insecure.

Phase Three marks a significant change, and is a phase where people are not prone to staying indefinitely. In Phase Three, the churchgoers have strengthened their identities enough to reduce the need for inverse behavior and counter-identity. This is when they begin to live according to their concepts of a Satanic lifestyle. Of course, since such a thing is nowhere defined, it becomes mostly a question of decorating one’s home, dressing up with some amount of devilish style, and adjusting one’s physical make-up. Satan thinks that because everyone already indulges in their respective interests (unless they are Buddhist monks or otherwise sworn to an ascetic lifestyle), this is not a Satanic trait—however, His followers believe that when they do what everyone does, in their case it is Satanic. The Phase Three churchgoers do not attend Christian services, of course, but in the absence of Satanic teachings beyond the superficiality of The Satanic Bible and a few articles embedded within other canonized books, most of their opinions and values remain unchanged since their days as pre-Satanists; it is mostly the trappings that have changed, and only on the surface level because their functions remain the same. Phase Three is characterized by a somewhat inflated belief in one’s uniqueness and superiority.

Phase Four represents a return to normal without realizing it. A lifestyle that involves mostly adornments and furnishing and few mental changes, and which is not shared with a nearby community, requires vigilance and constant personal dedication. It is not self-sustaining. (This is why Phase Three does not feature the captivity of Phases One and Two whose motivational supply of counter-ideology and other perceived enemies is infinite.) This leads some churchgoers into a daily routine where they have given up on some of their past religious business but are otherwise indistinguishable from the surrounding society. They remember their Satanism when they are occasionally reminded of it, but it is by no means a pervasive habit. Their interests are largely aligned with those of the herd, as dictated by fashion and popular culture, except where habit survives. Some revive their abandoned traditions to satisfy their need to fit into society. Some will forget about their Satanism although if asked, they may profess to agree with some indistinct core values. Like Phase Three, there is no externally provided motivation to remain in this phase, but unlike Phase Three, Phase Four is effortless, and one may again become stuck indefinitely. A few people maintain their Satanic principles in this phase but “internalize” their Satanism, requiring its trappings only to a small degree if at all.

Phase Four is characterized by regression to one’s pre–Church-of-Satan identity, and is the life that one would have begun earlier were it not for one’s Church of Satan detour. Although this phase may seem like one’s ideology has run into the sand, Satan considers Phase Four almost a litmus test of one’s worthiness of His name: if, after the interest has waned, one keeps living according to Satanic principles, values, and ethics, maybe one is the rare exception that is “born not made,” in the sense that one had integrity from an early age and was never incorporated into the human herd.

Phase Five is the last phase that marks the end of one’s days as a churchgoer. It is where the churchgoer has matured and learned about Satanism and the world. He has questioned himself and the teachings of The Church of Satan and Anton LaVey enough to identify critical flaws, has learned enough about other people to distinguish between unusual and abnormal behavior (only the former possibly qualifies as Satanic), or even to reliably identify a person’s mindset, and has learned enough about society, history, and religion to understand from where people derive their worldviews and values. It has become increasingly clear that what one finds within The Church of Satan is not Satanism but a toxic body of cultural Christians.

Many churchgoers who reach Phase Five realize that their church has changed since the 1960s, of course, but only to satisfy the self-delusions of its membership and to appeal to a lower common denominator. Its counter-cultural spirit left it many years ago, and what remains is an empty shell serving only as housing for one’s pipe dreams and refusal to develop personally. LaVey’s 1960s church was an early experiment which, owing to LaVey’s lacking intellectualism and failing insight into societal affairs and human sciences, was far too narrowly focused and off track due to LaVey’s belief in magic. It applied to his personal social circle perhaps, but it was a crude and secluded imitation of worldly wisdom. LaVey was the yokel’s idea of a man of the world, and as one grows older and wiser, one realizes how ignorant and superficial LaVey was, regardless of one’s early fascination with him. His skill was presentation not content.

Phase Five is characterized by personal growth and inwards and outwards perspective, a broadened horizon, and having found one’s place in the world without needing a group identity.

Satan thinks that LaVey introduced Satanism by scratching at its surface in those few places he could see but never knew what other possibilities he had accidentally opened. By sticking to LaVey’s original doctrine and refusing to develop and revise the ideology for a wider applicability than sexual fetishism, silly “magic,” and exciting edginess, The Church of Satan’s claim to the name is now only historic. Phase Five is where you leave The Church of Satan, either formally or by turning your back on it. You reach this phase if you truly had a different, sane mind about society and your role in it before you even knew about the church in the first place, or were at least able to develop during your time as a churchgoer.

Since each phase corresponds to a point on the star, each of the five phases lies on the opposite side of the previous phase, but not at their complete opposite. From the anti-Christian Phase One, Phase Two is almost anti-Satanic, and the following Phase Three lies closer to the original opposition to a Christianized society. Phase Four, in turn, is rather mainstream where neither Christians nor Satanists matter much and you are equally distant from them. The last phase, Phase Five, is when you have a Satanic identity but realize that far too many Satanists have only their association.

The phases overlap somewhat, and the transition from one phase to the next involves a little of both during the phase shift. It makes it possible to identify when a churchgoer is transitioning from one phase to another, because, owing to the almost-opposite natures of the current phase and its next phase, they may seem to sometimes vacillate. Some churchgoers pass through a particular phase faster than others, to the point of almost skipping it, and some remain stranded in a phase.

Satan thinks He has thus completed Anton LaVey’s use of “phases” as one of the many elements that The Church of Satan keeps dangling.

Satan thinks a conversion process is needed

Satan has previously explained that the conversion narrative of being born not made is self-deceit. For the lazy readers who decide to skip His magnificent thoughts, Satan thinks that “Satanists are born not made” is a bogus statement that His followers apply to relieve themselves of the need for an explanation of why they chose their outrageous religion when excuses such as “Satan appeared and spoke to me!” obviously do not apply. Anton LaVey provided this original narrative because he lacked all the possible credentials to provide him with the authority to claim that he was a Satanist, and had no other choice than to postulate that, somehow, he always was one. Once an angel, Lucifer is testimony to the fact that Satanists are indeed made not born, however.

The conversion narrative makes it very easy to convert—so easy, in fact, that Satan thinks His followers are god-damned jokes, instead of the god-damning soldiers He requires. The Church of Satan believes that a somewhat steep membership fee guarantees that only the best may join, but Satan thinks it proves but a bare minimum of real-world capability and instead primarily cultivates a cultic mindset, even if this dynamic is unknown to His church. (As a service to the same lazy readers as above, it is a well-known sales trick to make people believe that if they paid a large sum for something, they will believe that the acquisition was important to them and thus gain their loyalty.) Such a conversion requires virtually nothing. All that is required is to decide that one is now a Satanist. In reality, no one was ever a Satanist until then (with perhaps very few exceptions who may qualify), and henceforth one makes no further effort to become one. Satan thinks that such low requirements are laziness beyond belief, not that He is fond of any kinds of belief to begin with. He thinks this is the reason why so many of His followers join a Satanic organization but seem to stay the Christians they always were.

Satan remembers the early days of His church when members attended lectures in “The Black House,” or “Central Grotto,” of Anton LaVey. They were awarded degrees in the church that reflected their magical studiousness and acumen per LaVey’s judgment, and the titles were selected to mock the religious counterpart of the Christian church. Within a few years after establishing The Church of Satan, the organization allowed members to organize themselves in local chapters, or “grottos,” provided that the grotto leaders attended training in Central Grotto. This training did not include leadership skills, however, and the grottos soon became a disastrous affair of “Mexican generals” with no sense of corporate conduct and responsibilities. The grotto system was disbanded, training in Central Grotto ceased, and LaVey declared that with The Satanic Bible now on the bookshelves, everyone had the tools they needed. LaVey decreed that degrees were now awarded based on members’ performance in the real world, as it presumably reflected their magical proficiency in a religion where magic aimed to improve one’s material gains.

The grotto system was briefly re-instantiated in the late 1980s and lasted little more than a decade before it had again become clear—not surprisingly given that now no training was provided at all, let alone leadership or management coaching—that the grottos were as ineffective and counterproductive as ever. The tools that LaVey believed to have become available evidently came up short.

The quality of LaVey’s training may be debated, and anyone’s skill in magic is necessarily a delusion because magic does not exist. Satan nonetheless thinks that it was a grave mistake to abandon the training of the clergy because even the low level of ambition spurred them to study and, ideally, convalesce from their former mindsets by actively working toward adopting a healthier one. It would also enable them to serve as guides and role models for lay members, assuming they were more competent than history proved.

Today, everyone can declare oneself a Satanist and find that no requirements follow, except that one conform to organizational expectations as exemplified by its top tier. (The lazy reader will receive no summary this time, and is urged to read the text in its entirety.) There are no instructions on how to practice Satanism or how to unlearn one’s past orthodoxies. An elect few may possess the ability to accumulate knowledge and the gift of introspection, and Satan can appreciate that “responsibility to the responsible” lays it upon each individual to take matters into his or her own hands, but there is no need to make it difficult by forcing everyone to begin from scratch.

A clear curriculum requiring that one verifiably demonstrate that the skills have been acquired provides two distinct advantages. Firstly, each individual can learn more productively without having to first identify and then acquire the necessary knowledge (and trust Satan that no individuals are so different that a shared educational program is pointless), and secondly, it alleviates the adverse effect of toxic organizational behavior because objective criteria for leveling up reduce the influence from toxic superiors, who will find it difficult to promote those who support them based on personal feelings. A properly composed educational program will not homogenize its students, impede their creativity, or hamper their independence, despite protests from people who grew critical of education after seeing their own grades in school. One can learn to identify counterproductive residues of one’s past thinking without imposing specific different thoughts, and one may learn from examples without copying them. When you learned to read in school, it aided your independence despite learning it together with everyone else. In contrast, institutionalized behavior, where rewards for personal agreement trickle downward, tends to sculpt individuals by the cast of the leader, usually for worse than for better. There are, simply, skills that would benefit virtually all Satanists while leaving plenty of room for personal specialization. “How not to act and think like a Christian” would be a generally useful course whereas “how to cook a great burger” would be a course on indulgence that each person should pursue individually, and outside of the organization, according to his or her need.

Satan does not acknowledge the sometimes-heard argument that His church is a mutual admiration society (like Mensa, but for people with a two-digit IQ) and, therefore, presumably because members are all born not made, there is nothing to make and no improvements to offer. This is not to say that Satan doubts their honesty. There are people who are willing to pay and receive in return only the knowledge that they are listed in the membership archives and feel admired for that, and Satan is convinced that the organization appeals to people who seek validation by association. Satan dismisses the argument both because Satanists are made not born, and because even if they were born that way, they still have something to learn and unlearn if they were raised in a predominantly religious society.

Satan considers The Satanic Temple to be in a slightly better shape than His church on this account, although its instructive literature is sorely lacking. For all that may be said about The Satanic Bible and its other canonical literature, at least His church has scripture that directly addresses its members. His temple has nothing save seven tenets that lend themselves to a wide range of interpretations, and a list of holidays with associated, additional values. However, it provides classes for its ordained Ministers (although very little of it potentially addresses behavior and thought patterns, the rest focusing on auxiliary albeit relevant issues) and requires them to pass an exam. If the tasks of the Ministers include passing this knowledge on to their respective parishioners, those members of The Satanic Temple who belong to a congregation may receive education; but they form such a tiny minority of the membership base that Satan doubts they count in the bigger picture.

In both organizations, virtually all members thus join and are then on their own to flesh out what Satanism means to them. This may work for a self-driven, university-trained individual who has acquired the skills and tools to locate valid sources and a critical mind that renders him able to develop, instead of confirming past errors believing them to be Satanic. The Devil wants far more than denying one’s faith and similar ostentations. He wants people to not only reject their faiths but also the mentality, ethos, conventions, and lifestyles that were transmitted through a superstitious culture, and even for mostly atheistic, highly intelligent, contemplative, and introspective people, it is an arduous road. No organization can assume that any of its members can undertake this endeavor on their own or in self-organized study groups.

The inevitable result is that the organizations are filled with individuals whose opinions remain unchanged, and whose new actions amount to little beyond live-action role-playing that they believe to be genuine. Individuals bring their old behavior into the organization to a degree where keen observers can often identify which specific Christian denomination they used to belong to despite having spent beyond a decade as “Satanists,” because that is how little they have changed in practice. If the organizations qualify for the proud name of the Devil, it is certainly not because of their members. Satan thinks the organizations are empty shells. They may exist and expand but have practically no content.

Satan represents undefiled wisdom and thinks His organizations sully His name by allowing their members to stay hypocritically self-deceived. Satan wants converts who are forged into devoted demons, not Christian charlatans whose true allegiance they reveal every so often.

Satan thinks blasphemy is liberating

Blasphemy works only if one believes in that which is blasphemed, but it is nowhere said that faith is required to recognize or commit an act of blasphemy. Blasphemy is only felt by the believer but may be committed by anyone, intentionally or not. Satan encourages His entire infernal entourage to indulge in acts of blasphemy and to engage in taboos as long as we do not target His Infernal Majesty Himself, of course: there is self-deprecating humor, and then there is high treason.

The problem with blasphemy is that it shows contempt or disrespect for deities, sacred objects, and values or ethics that are considered axiomatic and inviolable. Granted, this sounds desirable, not problematic, but some perspective explains it. In societies that are unaware that all laws, rules, beliefs, and morals are the convergence of centuries of human negotiation, and instead believe they were handed down from above, irreverence and disregard for the veracity of the thought-to-be divine Law is a threat to the stability and integrity of the society. Punishment for blasphemy traditionally ranges from disapproval and demands for apology over ostracization, censorship, and persecution to corporeal punishment and physical eradication. In other words, it is not all that different from what happens in more enlightened societies when someone disregards the law and faces legal consequences.

There is an exception, however: if applied according to the Law of the Forbidden, blasphemy and taboo-breaking serve to fortify one’s belief. The single example of the well-known joke about the sailor who talks a nun into having sex, only to learn too late that the nun is a cross-dressing male, will suffice. It plays on the homophobic fear of being attracted to one’s own sex or the transphobic fear of being tricked by a homosexual, and thereby reinforces the idea that taboo sex is bad, and at the same time strengthens the belief that (legitimate) nuns are good and trustworthy people because of their religion. It is a Christian joke that bolsters one’s Christian values and beliefs. Satan, being of a marvelous intellect and mentally capable of imagining Himself in someone else’s (hoof-)shoes, can appreciate the joke on their premises but it obviously does not belong in His domain. Christians go to Heaven, and they can save it for when they get there.

Satan’s own Church has developed its own laws against blasphemy and taboo, despite its iconoclastic and irreverent outset in 1966. He did not pay much attention to when exactly these laws began to take shape, but it appears to the Devil that they were implemented when Peter Gilmore was given the role of the “administrator” of the Church on the Internet and thus gained first level control of virtually the entire membership body. It was from this position that Gilmore and his spouse could turn their thumbs up or down on opinions within The Church of Satan, and they were directed towards a singular goal: to make Gilmore feel validated.

Gilmore is a grandiose narcissist, and their behavior is directed by exceptionally low self-esteem that causes them to constantly seek validation, to feel better through making others feel worse, and to attack anyone who appears to expose their sense of worthlessness. (Satan represents man as he truly is, and therefore agrees that narcissists are typically worthless, but that is beside the point.) Gilmore gains validation by having admiration for Anton LaVey rub off on him, thereby riding on his coattails, and, of course, by feeling directly admired through praise or title—which is why already at the age of thirteen he felt entitled to an honorary title as a Satanic leader in The Church of Satan with nothing to show for it. Conversely, he cannot accept any “attack,” even if it is a simple statement of truth, on LaVey or himself, and went so far as to email his flying monkeys requesting that they coordinate attacks against those who spoke badly of LaVey or especially himself. It did not take long in the younger days of the Internet, before it had become part of everyone’s facilities, to establish the standard for both expected opinion and, as is the topic here, unacceptable talk and thought. There are now plenty of texts in The Church of Satan explaining that only enemies speak badly of the “Doktor,” and LaVey’s last spouse, the bizarre crossbreed between a Christian housewife and a groupie, Blanche Barton (originally, aptly named “Densley”), demanded that the sycophants of LaVey unite against their perceived enemies.

It has become taboo to speak of LaVey’s marriage to a 14-year-old in 1951, and acknowledging that LaVey’s second daughter, Zeena, became pregnant at the age of 13—despite Blanche Barton’s mention of the fact in one of her books—is permissible only along with the reminder that she later proved herself to be thoroughly unreliable and an enemy of her father. One must never remind others that LaVey’s self-narrative has been thoroughly debunked, but should instead inform those who mention it that overall, it was somehow true except in the details. And never mention the fact that LaVey died in poverty, demonstrating that if Satanism was all about success in the real world, as LaVey had maintained, there might be some truth to Michael Aquino’s belief that Satan revoked His infernal mandate, at least in the figurative sense that LaVey’s Satanic qualities and magical skills were inferor compared with those of your average Joe Schmoe. It is equally taboo to recognize The Church of Satan’s “alien élite” for what it is: a species that exists only within a world of spiritual pipe-dreams, or that “might is right” is a feeble feel-good fantasy. Any remark that LaVey relied on a variety of pseudo-scientific models and superstition that render several of his points null and void, and thus candidates for unceremonious jettison, is taken as proof of poor faith and lack of understanding: The Satanic Bible and LaVey’s other written works are flawless and in need of no revision—except maybe to add a preface by Gilmore.

Above and foremost, none but The Church of Satan, and those individuals who unconditionally agree that it is the only Satanic organization, are Satanists. Any other organization, and anyone who considers himself a Satanist but does not appreciate The Church of Satan, is deemed a heretic for this blasphemous stance. It does not help if the individual considers himself a “LaVeyan Satanist” (although The Church of Satan will be rash to remind anyone that “LaVeyan Satanism” is a pleonasm or even a hostile term for its insinuation that other kinds of Satanism could possibly exist), if he does not also unconditionally acknowledge The Church of Satan, and nothing else, as Satanism. However, if this demand is satisfied, it appears that one may reject arbitrary amounts of The Church of Satan’s doctrine, apply an arbitrary interpretation to its teachings, and add anything one fancies, and is yet a true Satanist. Satan thinks this is evidence that philosophy and doctrine mean little, and submission to Gilmore’s organization is paramount. This has become institutionalized in The Church of Satan. New members soon learn that recognition is earned through worship of Gilmore (even though he uses LaVey as a proxy) and hostility towards anyone claiming the name but not the affiliation and thereby not endorsing Gilmore. It is needless to say that Satan thinks that Peter Gilmore’s personal touch on Satanism has transformed LaVeyan Satanism into a toxic form that would be more accurately christened Gilmoron Satanism.

Satan thinks His church has become all about a herd collective and none about ideology. Anyone who is not part of Gilmore’s virtual community—a term that Gilmore shuns as it names his cravings for human acceptance, and therefore resorts to near-synonyms such as “arena,” “cabal,” “collection”, “universe,” or “movement,” to name just some, whereas Satan is not afraid to name the assemblage that Gilmore wishes for as adorers—is treated as religionists have traditionally approached the worshipers of false gods. Despite making no other demands on being a Satanist than thinking that The Satanic Bible resonates with one’s feelings, The Church of Satan feels strongly about the ideologies of other Satanic groups. If they are not LaVeyan, they are necessarily non-Satanic and therefore wrong and worse than Christianity, and if they are LaVeyan but loathe the strain of people that The Church of Satan attracts and encourages, they also are non-Satanic.

It is the very existence of these other groups and individuals that The Chuch of Satan objects to, not their viewpoints. Being an extension of Gilmore’s demand for personal attention, it cannot cope with others acquiring the spotlight (The Satanic Temple in particular is the target of their envy these days), and it leads to almost comical arguments against their legitimacy; for example, that they should cover their horns and not identify as Satanists, because it makes them look bad on the goals they pursue, or because they give Satanism a bad reputation. Gone are those days when The Church of Satan’s high priestess, Peggy Nadramia, defended the many neo-Nazis in their higher ranks by reminding its members that being a Satanist was as evil as the status quo could ever imagine, Nazis being a far lesser one, and that any concerns about a Nazi connotation were a Good Guy Badge that one had better discard. It seems that, today, The Church of Satan struggles to understand and muster the strength and self-confidence required to take the Devil’s name for oneself. Satan thinks that the sense of perspective of what He stands for was lost somewhere along the way.

The Gilmoron Satanists routinely deliberately ignore the openly stated goals and motivations of their “competitors” in order to construct a straw man to topple over. It is clearly very important that everyone is told, incessantly, although without results, that such groups are not Satanists, and The Church of Satan has made bedfellows with fundamentalist Christian actors on several occasions in their vain attempts to ensure that only The Church of Satan exists. Consumed by their counter-productive pride that helps their real enemies, no measure is too wretched in their rage against the blasphemy of renewal and alternative.

Satan thinks it is time to remind His followers of His sermon. Blasphemy challenges the beliefs everyone takes as model truth and rends the rusty padlocks of shrines with treasures that have lost their value. No dogma must be taken for granted, and no model deified to protect it from scrutiny and question. Satanists must apply blasphemy to their own beliefs and convictions, especially if taboo and met with resistance. Only that can prevent Satan’s own religion from sinking into the same rotting reactionaryism that is other religions.

Satan thinks religious people ain’t dumb

Several studies have been published that indicate that people with higher education tend to be more atheistically inclined than those with lower education. Satan prefers to dumb it down so everyone gets it: studies show that religious people are dumber than the rest.

But, in spite of the taunt-value of such research, The Prince of Darkness demands intellectual honesty. Old Nick is not convinced of the conclusions.

His Infernal Majesty notes that higher education cultivates abstract thinking. A university-trained person is likely to think in more abstract terms than a primary school drop-out. This phenomenon affects survey-based research.

For example, a survey question asking whether the respondent believes there is a god who personally decides everyone’s fate is very concrete. It practically asks whether the respondent believes there exists a human-looking being that has a personal relationship with you. To the Christian whose faith is very concrete, this may very well sound like the god he believes in, and he will answer “yes” on the questionnaire. But another Christian whose faith is more abstract may think of “God” as a guiding principle by whose example one’s fate in the afterlife is determined, and is likely to answer “no.”

Such a survey would conclude that people who think abstractly tend to be atheists. Yet, the two thought patterns are identical in the sense that both respondents believe in some entity whose demands they should meet, and for the same reason. The latter view is no less superstitious than the former; it is only more abstract. An ill-phrased question can make seminal differences in such surveys, and fields that are highly open to interpretation—such as people’s personal religious beliefs—are markedly vulnerable to careless phrasing.

Satan thinks that people with higher educations are no less religious than their less educated (and, although it is politically incorrect to say so, therefore as a general rule less intelligent) brethren. The difference between smart and dumb people is not how religiously inclined they are but what their religious narrative is. The smart, religious person may sound like an atheist to the dumb, religious person, and the latter may seem fundamentalist to the former—but it is the same basic belief. Neither is less religious than the other; they are just religious on their respective levels of intelligence. To the brainy individual, his religion is intelligent, and to the half-witted person, the religion is dumb—but it is the same religion.

And thus the Angel of the Bottomless Pit regrets to conclude that higher-educated, smarter people are no less religious than dumb folks. They are not the atheists that surveys may indicate. Religion transcends intelligence. Education is no bulwark against religion; it only makes superstition sound smarter.

Satan thinks truth should be destroyed

Satan thinks that truth is for mislead people who believe that truth is a goal. Truth is sought after by people who are culturally inculcated to believe that someone, somewhere, knows what is “true,” and that it is the duty of every man and woman to either become this “someone” or work hard to understand through that person what is “true.” Even if they do not formally believe in gods, it is culturally implied that it is “God” who possesses this ultimate truth.

The Devil has no interest in aspiring for His opponent. Satan turns His back on God. He knows that no such “truth” exists. Satan does not desire the truth; He is the eternal liar and it is His corrupt nature to destroy truth.

But truths that have been subjected to the Devil’s perpetual questioning and destruction thoughout the aeons have not become lies; they have only become steadily less wrong as they were forced to adapt. Satan’s stubborn and successful desire to always destroy truth has replaced the word “true” with the term “progressively less wrong.”

It may sound as if my Master inadvertently achieves the goal He wants to avoid but there is a monumental difference between the two terms. “True” is something measured as a distance from some ultimate, fixed goal where the closer something is to this goal the more true it is. “Progressively less wrong” is instead measured from a point of depature. It is a measure of far humans have progressed and how much we have achieved.

“True” is the fear of not being close to God—an angst with no relief because there are no gods. The wish to meet this goal is a death wish, because once the wish is satisfied there is nothing more to strive for. “True” is finality.

To be “progressively less wrong” is to revel in your progress and a perennial desire to move even further. “Progressively less wrong” never ends; all can always change.

The appetite for truth creates rigid social structures because once the truth is believed to have been found there must be no change. Humans think in terms of “right” when they pursue their own “true” ways and actively resist any other direction and oppose discussion and perspectivation.

The desire to be progressively less wrong leads society in new directions. It encourages respect for past knowledge and enthusiasm to contribute with new insights, to lifelong education, and the realization that there is great value to be found in the interaction between individuals with unique viewpoints.

But it is challenging to be “progressively less wrong” instead of “more true.” Many people have preconceptions of what is right and have not the faintest idea of how to turn less wrong. They believe you aim to be second-best in wishing to be less wrong although life itself is a testament to “progressively less wrong” continuously being the best that has yet happened.

To learn what is wrong in a popular “truth,” humans should follow the example of our Infernal Lord. Satan does not believe in false authorities who know in advance what is “true.” Satan has far more respect for people who wish to shatter truth—assuming that these people are not merely motivated by some other “truth.” Satan believes in chaos because He trusts that people can be creative, and He trusts that large groups of people who disagree can nonetheless function together.

To be progressively less wrong demands application of the Devil’s tools: the ability to be critical and to learn from your own and others’ experiments, but also to keep an open mind where deeply controversial thoughts and actions are allowed and where occasionally you must adopt an adversarial viewpoint. The key talent is creativity but our god-fearing culture is suspicious towards this chaotic skill, or has lost faith in it or even forgotten it in its craving for a truth known as maximized profits or financial “responsibility.”

A truth that cannot be destroyed is considered divine and shackles independent thought. To destroy truth, Satan demands discord and squabble, resistance and devastation, and frustration and error. Only thus can truth be destroyed and Mankind be emancipated from God.

Satan thinks He exists

Many of the Devil’s followers insist that there is no Devil, so Old Nick wishes to clear up some confusion about His infernal existence.

As you, dear reader, may already be aware, He prefers to stick to His greatest trick that He does not exist (cf. my fellow denizen Monsieur Charles Baudelaire) in spite of the demand it places on the human mind to explain the world through more complicated means. It was once so simple to know that the world was moved by gods and devils, who could be influenced through incantations, ceremonies, and rituals, but such superstition requires belief in demons and disregard of knowledge. Satan represents undefiled wisdom, and He wants Mankind to think for itself and know the Universe as it manifests itself, not through old wives’ tales of supernatural, usually anthropomorphized creatures with plans of their own.

Satan therefore keeps pretending He does not exist, thus deceiving gullible humans into trusting that the Universe, in its cold, impersonal darkness, contains all the questions and answers Mankind can imagine without requiring the addition of mythical varmint to the equations. This marvelous lie has already coerced humans into obtaining a firm grasp of a wide array of natural laws and principles, and scientists have obtained a reasonable understanding of matter and how the strong, the weak, and the electromagnetic forces and (at least for practical purposes) gravity affect it.

But none of the forces or laws of Nature indicate that, from a human point of view, life unfolds and evolves; they only demand ongoing change in the Universe. They describe change within so limited scopes that one cannot express connections between cause on the microscopic level and effect on the macroscopic level, or vice versa. The laws of Nature say little about the development of life; although humans have now learned how DNA replicates, how organisms reproduce and mutate, how organisms adapt and survive according to changing environments, and how they in turn change their environments, Satan thinks humans will never be capable of explaining which direction life will take except in highly general terms. Nor do the laws of Nature explain human emotions or reactions in spite of a good understanding of biochemistry, some neurological insight, etc.—or, rather, Satan thinks they do but the human brain is far too limited to manage the enormity of information and the countless interactions that come into play. There are not enough atoms on Earth to hold the knowledge required to provide the answers that Mankind seeks.

Natural forces and laws com­bined have an endless effect that seems much larger than their sum total, and there is no well-de­scribed natural law that can express this com­bined effect. Humans can merely state that the natural laws explain that things happen, and how phys­ic­al and chem­ic­al pro­cesses are fol­lowed, but they cannot de­scribe how life or the human per­cep­tion of life unfolds. It is this “su­per­set” of natural laws that defies sci­en­ti­f­ic description. Greater minds can be content with such an explanation, because they can relate well enough to the knowledge that science has gathered today to sense that the laws of the universe combine into a larger whole. They can stare into the eternal darkness in awe as they sense what can never be seen. Most people, however, require symbolic language to effectively communicate this greater whole, enabling people to intuitively grasp its immensity and general mechanisms. Humans have come to possess great un­der­stand­ing of the world around and within them, yet their sense of de­vel­op­ment and life—their desire to act and live, to be and to become—is not covered by this un­der­standing. Humans can still de­scribe such feel­ings only in sym­bol­ic terms.

My Master serves as such a symbol. Satan is change with no guidance, a perpetual pull towards Him, a motivation that follows its own, inner dark light. He represents both unordered dissolution and solidification into a balance that is found as chaos and order throughout Nature. He is the imbalance factor who breaks stasis and causes movement, steadily tipping the otherwise frozen scales of everything into balance only to upset balance elsewhere. He represents a pervasive force of a divine nature, but unlike the powers attributed to the usual gods it is a power that involves “evil” and destruction, and a power that is unconcerned with the well-being or the state of Cosmos. Satan symbolizes the gestalt of all natural laws acting simultaneously—the only way they can function. He is the dark force that pulls everything into Hell, if ever so slowly, as the Universe moves towards its eventual heat death. It is in this sense that Satan thinks that although from an objective point of view He may not exist, the human brain is hardwired to either know He does, by any name, or know less than mindless sheep.