Satan thinks eugenicists should be aborted

There is nothing unnatural in lending Nature a helping hand. That is why sane humans will mend a broken leg and write a prescription for painkillers afterward instead of insisting that the “natural pain” is good for you. There are exceptions, of course, for example, when certain groups remind women that the pains of childbirth are good for both the mother and the baby, and by some sheer coincidence, the Bible happens to require just that experience. And rest assured that when you burn in Hell, painkillers will not be provided.

Humans soon learned to refine crops for better yield, to cross previously inedible plants into variations fit for human consumption, and to breed animals for select features. Humans, too, were aware that they inherited the features of their progenitors, although the gods might curse them if they stayed too closely related over several generations.

It was not until the late 1800s, however, that evolution was formally discovered, adding that both physical and behavioral traits were inherited in a constant struggle for resources that are scarce enough to prevent a single species from dominating. Charles Darwin introduced the term “natural selection” to indicate how specimens that could not adequately beat the odds would perish, leaving those that were better “fit for survival” to produce offspring—a term that Darwin adopted from Herbert Spencer, although the latter used it as an argument that certain races were preserved in the struggle for life.

Early theory of evolution conveyed the message that one’s survival came at the cost of other human lives, and it seemed clear that if a certain group of humans wished to improve its lot in life, others would have to pay: those who were thought to be less fit for survival due to attributed racial qualities. Satan has already discussed how such Social Darwinism has been shown beyond doubt to be pseudoscience but in the early 1900s, such speculations had yet to be debunked. It was yet to be learned that a master race is not cultivated by the physical and mental education of an “iron youth” that would eventually beget strong children, nor that the traditional concepts of race mean anything in those equations.

Programs were established in some countries that aimed to accelerate the process of refining the respective master races through the “science” of eugenics, a term coined by Sir Francis Galton in 1883. Generally speaking, it was the white élites with strong biases about who was “fit” and “unfit” that embraced eugenics, believing that social ills in their countries would be eliminated by increased breeding of Nordics or Anglo-Saxons like themselves. Several countries introduced mandatory sterilization, usually targeting immigrants, people of color, Indigenous people, poor whites, and people with disabilities. The USA was the international leader in eugenics and the Nazi Germany sterilization law that led to the sterilization of a staggering 400,000 “undesirable” and “defective” individuals was modeled on US laws that had then been effective for over two decades.

Eugenics apologists have argued that modern, civilized societies still have eugenics programs when, for example, they offer termination of pregnancies where a fetus is determined to suffer from severe disabilities. Not surprisingly, anti-choice propagandists have also gladly invoked the specter of eugenics at any mention of abortion.

It is true that, although far less terminal and draconian than forced sterilization, state-sanctioned or state-encouraged termination of pregnancies that will lead to significantly lowered quality of life for the otherwise delivered child can be said to be a “state program” for controlling the genetic make-up of the population, and it may also target minorities. Such reflections, as well as options for enhancing human characteristics and capacities through the use of reproductive technology and human genetic engineering, have led advocates of such practices to introduce the term “liberal eugenics” early this century. An important aspect of liberal eugenics is individual choice, where the decision to alter or select an embryo should be left to the parents’ preferences rather than forbidden or mandated by the state.

The traditional form of eugenics, in contrast, is authoritarian eugenics, where the individual (parent) is given no choice regarding the selection of their embryo or even their reproductive rights.

Satan does not give the important distinction too much thought because here in Hell, we demons are spawned not birthed. We are manifestations of Satan’s infinite evil, and no pre-spawn measures are required. However, The Rejected Angel keeps an eye on His Church of Satan, whose members are of the human kind—although their existence would be abruptly eradicated were society to embrace the ideals of “The Book of Satan.” There, in His church, the Devil finds that rank and file members argue that the eugenics advocated by Anton LaVey and Peter Gilmore is liberal eugenics, albeit being unaware of the term. With such a take on eugenics, The Church of Satan represents nothing controversial, except maybe for a hint of a progressive stance, they argue.

Satan is not the forgetful kind but keeps written journals for those of us who are tasked with his evil bidding and checks His records in case of doubt. He does not recognize liberal eugenics anywhere in the scriptural teachings of The Church of Satan and suspects that, as usual, its uninitiated and untrusted members have either not properly studied their scripture or are struggling with feelings of guilt. Satan thinks it is worth recapping the true stance of The Church of Satan.

One does not readily identify eugenics in The Satanic Bible but The Church of Satan cites additional canon in which one finds these views. (For those who forget, canon is the scripture that defines the religion; it is not something from which questionable elements can simply be dismissed as, say, just some personal opinion of the author.) Satan thinks one should begin with Anton LaVey’s take on sterilization: women who are so irresponsible as to become pregnant only to face problems raising their child should be sterilized by force, as should men who are stupid enough to choose such women. Useless people should be sterilized by force through state programs. The choice is not laid upon the individual parents, who can only pray and otherwise attempt to paint themselves as good, Christian citizens that the state considers them useful.

LaVey knew very well his ideological legacy when, in interviews, he desired to enhance the growth of new, more intelligent generations, if I had the chance, by selective breeding. But this is so terrifyingly related to Hitlerism that usually I can’t even talk about it. His ideas centered around the group-oriented breeding policy of that very regime, declaring that [s]elective breeding, elitist stratification, advocacy of polygamous relationships for breeding purposes, and eventually building communities of like-minded individuals are Satanic programs antithetical to the cherished egalitarian ideal.

Satan may not have high thoughts about humans in general but trusts that any reader who has made it this far in the present text can unmistakably identify Anton LaVey’s eugenics as the authoritarian variant from the darkest chapters of human history.

Some of LaVey’s teachings have been altered significantly, albeit without admitting to revision; for example, Satan has mentioned how might has become impotent and how the current Church of Satan High Priest Peter Gilmore describes magic as “just psychodrama” despite LaVey insisting that it is not just psychodrama. This has yet to happen for The Church of Satan’s stance on eugenics, despite apologetical members insisting on the liberal interpretation. Both LaVey and Gilmore have repeatedly used the term in reference to hopes of breeding a genetically superior Satanic élite to replace their current best bet.

Peter Gilmore even complains that the failure to maintain early-twentieth-century eugenics is the very cause of the widespread growth of egalitarianism and collectivist thinking that he despises (and, like LaVey, misinterprets according to alt-right propaganda). He avoids mentioning the big bad state but confirms that genetic technologies are not for everyone: We wish the ranks of the “superiorly abled” to increase in number, before time runs out and we all perish under the crush of mediocrity. As with LaVey, there is no question about the group-oriented application of authoritarian eugenics.

As often happens to shallow thinkers, both LaVey and Gilmore rely on exceedingly thoughtless criteria for such eugenics. There is no mention of which standards apply when people are deemed irresponsible or stupid, nor who is certified to make such judgments. The Church of Satan places itself firmly in the tradition of historical authoritarian eugenics when its support for eugenics is based on politics and ideology, disregard for individual rights, and vaguely formulated, unscientific ideals of genetic purity. It believes that merely agreeing with a particular ideology proves genetic superiority. By the injunction of international law against involuntary sterilization, Anton LaVey and Peter Gilmore advocate a crime against humanity.

Despite the counter-individualistic, unscientific, authoritarian stance of His church that opposes everything Satan symbolizes, Satan thinks there is insight to be derived from its appeal to its members.

To join as someone with less than some combination of Mensa-grade intelligence, the physiology of an Olympics contestant, and virtuoso talents is unconscious suicidal ideation: one joins a cult that wishes one dead, only unlike Christianity, this death cult promises no rewarding afterlife. It is a desire to leave the cosmic wheel of life entirely. One must be utterly self-loathing to join such an organization if one suffers from disabilities of any kind that are costly to society, cumbersome to one’s closest associates, or too expensive to pay by oneself because, remember, the organization also rejects societal altruism.

Satan thinks that to most of the members of The Church of Satan, believing that one not only stands a chance for life but even qualifies as breeding stock for their envisioned élite is an extreme form of delusion of grandeur. Satan thinks that had they been livestock, they would have been turned into soap. Only thus would they contribute to a human breed cleaned of impurities.

Satan thinks Egyptologists are spaced out

Red flags are obvious signs that communicate less evident, undesired qualities. For example, parents know they should worry if they learn that their child mutilates its stuffed animals; they should keep an eye on the child if a person introduces himself as a Catholic priest; and most people know that a person who is rude against people in service jobs is generally unpleasant.

Satan maintains His own list of red flags among His followers. Some are practically pinned to each individual by organizational affiliation and may be easily deduced knowing the organizational values. One should not expect to find Warlocks on welfare, parasitic Priests, or mooching Magisters in a Satanic organization dedicated to one’s earthly success, whereas an organization revolving around institutionalized narcissism rewards malignant, anti-social, and destructive behavior. Therefore, any title its High Priest Peter Gilmore bestows is a red flag, and the grander the title, the higher the flag waves. Other semi-obvious red flags include any fascination with the Arthur Desmond book, Might Is Right, beyond its historical influence on The Church of Satan—which is bad enough—or that a person was brought up in a highly religious environment.

Other red flags have no obvious connection with pathological behaviors or traits and seem to be spuriously correlated at best. Satan thinks His followers deserve to be wary of one such little-known red flag: it rarely fails that if a person is “into” Egyptology, they exhibit an array of toxic behaviors and delusions.

It should not surprise anyone that the Devil is, by default, a little skeptical against anything Egyptian owing to Michael Aquino’s organization, The Temple of Set. Satan appreciates that Aquino recognized His extreme intelligence, of course, but cannot forgive Aquino for demoting His Infernal Majesty to some ancient desert god of a dead civilization. It is not due to The Temple of Set that Satan considers Egyptology a red flag, however. The Temple of Set is merely a manifestation of that interest. Members of the Temple take up Egyptology after joining (if at all), and even Aquino only began to study Egyptology on a hobby level following his hallucinations about Set.

The problem is not Egyptology itself but popular modern myths surrounding ancient Egypt. These myths tell you that ancient Egypt had access to advanced space alien knowledge and technology, and the pharaohs either hailed from these aliens (or “gods”) from far-away solar systems or possessed instruments for communicating with these alien ancestors or teachers. The Egyptians were special by heritage or for being “chosen,” but alas, it is now lost, except for some lingering curses. Satan thinks the modern myths about ancient Egypt draw in many destructive organisms who catch interest in Egyptology because the myths appeal to a particular kind of disagreeable people: narcissists. The appeal is the myth about highly advanced aliens with secret knowledge and the chance of approaching them.

Practicing psychologists and psychiatrists, ignoring that human mental diseases and disorders are, in fact, the result of being possessed by one of our experts, have observed that a common narcissistic fantasy is to be abducted by aliens. They will offer the abductee methods to achieve high mental powers that may be subsequently put to use among one’s fellow humans who will praise you or suffer for what they have done to you. The narcissistic appeal is obvious: the narcissist is recognized as an extraordinary individual by the aliens and will subsequently possess the means to satisfy his unquenchable thirst for validation by humans.

As for aliens, practicing psychologists have also noted that narcissists report feeling different from normal people and will often use the term “alien.” They may not be the aliens of their fantasies, but they consider themselves their distant cousins. Satan thinks a good number of Church of Satan joiners were attracted by its promise of being an “alien élite” for that reason, even if space aliens were not necessarily at the front of their minds.

It has recently been observed, too, that narcissists are attracted to astrology, and although no conclusions were drawn, Satan thinks they probably feel comfort in the belief that the very stars had them in mind when they were born and will aid them in their daily life. Your personal horoscope may not be the alien abduction you otherwise hoped for, but both fantasies share the feature of your gaining both validation and special help from “out there.” They differ mostly in terms of magnitude (becoming the king of the world versus maybe meeting someone interesting next week) and the upper limit of intelligence required to believe in them: the main audience for horoscopes is not narcissists but dumb, uneducated people, whereas alien visits are theoretically possible and beliefs in such usually involve some sympathy for science. An above-average intelligent narcissist is not falling for a horoscope but can freely dream of how impressed the aliens became while examining his unique mind. Whether space aliens or star constellations, the myths about ancient Egypt provide both, but the myths appeal more strongly to individuals with above-average intelligence than horoscopes.

Normal human beings generally feel mostly at ease with themselves. Neither stunning nor ordinary-looking individuals require constant reassurance that they are beautiful. Smart people rarely obsess about proving their intelligence. Their sense of worth comes from within themselves and needs no validation. They have their own inner light and spark of life. In contrast, narcissists have extremely low self-esteem and require constant external validation. Satan thinks their reaching for the stars, as it were, for validation illustrates how far removed from this light they are. Some of them who possess a measure of self-insight report how they feel “empty” inside or even feel as if a literal hole exists inside their chests where normal people feel their hearts.

The advanced technology and knowledge proposed by the popular myths about ancient Egypt appeal to people who value and possess above-average intelligence but not so much that the low likelihood of such unreasonable myths turns them uninteresting to entertain. They know their above-average intelligence and use it to impress others—and themselves—and rarely neglect to inform others of their intellectual superiority. But, their insights are sophomoric and just good enough to impress average people. The same people who will not miss a chance to remind you that they are university students or graduates keep their GPAs confidential. Highly intelligent individuals, or individuals who simply know the topics that such people choose to talk about, find that their “insights” are either vapid, misunderstandings, or irrelevant and that such people are complacent, condescending, or arrogant.

Satan does not think these Egyptologists truly believe in the myths, mind you, except for a while when they learned about them during childhood or early youth. It is the feeling conveyed by the myths that they seek and experience as they ponder ancient Egypt, as it is the feeling provided by the secret fantasy of being chosen by aliens for a mind-enhancing abduction. No amount of genuine Egyptology that supports the myths is therefore required, and the feeling remains intact despite learning that the pyramids were not subspace radio transmitters capable of reaching solar systems 1,350 light years removed from the Earth and installed by a warp-capable civilization with pointy eyebrows.

Satan thinks that if you see a person walking like an ancient Egyptian in his mind, you should cross the street and choose the other sidewalk. Put some space between you and him.

Satan thinks magical recognition deserves a template

When The Church of Satan abandoned its “grotto” system in the 1970s, grotto masters could no longer report the magical progress of their grotto members and The Church of Satan could therefore no longer determine which magical degree for which a member was eligible. Members now had to report their magical development individually, and this practice is still in effect today. However, the measure of magical improvement has changed somewhat over the years.

The 1975 schism between The Church of Satan and The Temple of Set involved quantifying magical skills so that real-life results were believed to reflect one’s magical acumen and hence one’s degree. Rank climbers soon learned that to Anton LaVey, these real-life accomplishments concerned fascination with urination, burlesque sexual innuendos, or a display of Nazi paraphernalia. Despite considering money to be a tangible metric of real-life success, results in the so-called creative fields were held in higher regard than intellectual or professional feats, largely because LaVey was found in the former areas and The Church of Satan was not particularly alluring to people in the latter occupations, and likely also because the Church of Satan’s upper clergy lacked the tools to evaluate cerebral proficiency.

When Peter Gilmore took over after the passing of Anton LaVey, he reinstalled the grotto system. It became immediately apparent that The Church of Satan still did not attract natural leaders, and grottos were, again, disbanded. Gilmore nevertheless managed to establish new expectations for the degree system by example: individual development means something only to the extent that now everything in The Church of Satan serves to nurture Peter Gilmore’s self-esteem, and Gilmore judges members according to their ego-supply.

With this in mind, Satan proposes that the following letter template for members reporting on their magical progress, with His instructions in italics, be used for their status reports to the “Central Grotto.”

Make sure to grovel, but do not forget that you are entitled to Peter Gilmore’s attention.

Dear High Priest and Magus of The Church of Satan Peter Gilmore:

I understand that you must pursue your indulgences as the only true Magus of The Church of Satan, but I am certain that you will be pleased to read my letter.

Brag about your accomplishments but never be explicit. Gilmore half does not care and half wants to believe that he is the high priest of someone noticeable, and he will rather imagine greatness than hear what little you did instead; alternatively, if you have managed to do well, do not risk outshining his own limited fame. For example, the following sounds better than saying that you have been gaming in the little spare time you had outside of your blue-collar work:

Since my last letter, I have engaged in my specific indulgences to the extent that the practicalities of life allow. After all, Satan is indulgence not compulsion!

You may have completed some trivial deeds, such as contributing to a book, being exposed to a momentary hardship that you endured, etc. The Church of Satan allows you to cast such as significant accomplishments. These two examples would make you an author and a person with special fortitude and strength, respectively. If so, include a statement such as the following. However, in the rare cases where you have made multiple efforts noteworthy for your personal diary, consider saving them for your next letter so as to appear consistently successful. Example 1:

I am happy to report that I can now call myself an author, as I appear on the list of authors of (enter the title of the book to which you made a minor contribution—and if the book happens to be of interest to Gilmore, you have proven to be successful).

Example 2, where the triviality limit is a broken bone or minor surgery, although bigger is obviously better; a stubbed toe is painful, but its recovery does not adequately prove Satanic determination. Also, never assume responsibility but instead declare that justice will be served:

Even the most accomplished magician may be stricken by misfortune. In my case, it came as a car that was supposed to have stopped at the crosswalk. I had to spend many hours at the ER to mend a broken foot, but I am otherwise strong-spirited and in good physical health so it is a minor inconvenience. It will only be a matter of weeks until I set the record straight as I exterminate the reckless driver in my next destruction ritual.

Demonstrate that you provide worth (not value) to the organization. Gilmore has wanted to be respected as a Satanic high priest since boyhood, and one of your tasks is therefore to praise Peter Gilmore.

I always strive to be the first to share your insightful articles as soon as they are posted on the official Church of Satan website. Thank you for continuing to enrich and clarify our philosophy. I always receive plenty of positive feedback when I share your articles.

Your other task is to attack those Satanists who fail to validate Gilmore by not recognizing him as their high priest. In your continued quantitative report below, do not be exact but round up to the nearest ten or twenty. Gilmore is quite informed about online personalities despite claims to the contrary (therefore, avoid saying “as you know” or similar) but cannot be expected to keep an exact count.

As you probably guessed, our detractors are mad for being put in their place. I stay vigilant to remind those who might have been misled that these “people” are not Satanists. It is hard work, and I have confronted no less than (enter a number, e.g., 40) such persons since my last letter, although several are obviously obsessive repeat offenders. Clearly, Satan is the best friend they ever had, and their obsession with The Church of Satan proves how envious of us they are!

Now for your plea that should work toward your next-level degree that will make you believe yourself better than your peers. Beware that Gilmore knows why you are writing, so you must feign modesty to make him feel he is choosing wisely. Your plea is indicated by the little word “will” in the following. Keep it brief.

But no rest for the wicked! I am sure you will appreciate my efforts to eradicate misunderstandings about Satanism and keep Satanists abreast of the development in our organization.

Deflate any indication of an unreasonable demand with immediate groveling as you finish your letter. Avoid the temptation to add “Hail Thyself!” as The Satanic Temple too often uses this expression.

Thank you so much for your unrelenting work, and I wish you the best of your indulgences.

Hail Magus Gilmore and Maga Nadramia!
Hail Doktor LaVey and Blanche Barton!
Hail The Church of Satan!
Hail Satan!

Supply your name and current degree. If you are old-fashioned and send the letter via postal mail, print several copies and select the one for submission that features the most impressive version of your signature.